It’s very important to keep your chimney or flue cleared of any blockages. Every year there are many house fires because of neglected chimneys or blocked wood heater and wood stove flues. We are here to help and keep your chimney clean and Family safe. A clean chimney or wood heater flue also enables your wood fire or wood heater to heat your home more efficiently.
Chimney cleaning services starting at $150,- in Ballarat.
Call us today at 0409171070 to schedule your flue / chimney clean appointment.
Chimney and Flue Cleaning Ballarat, Victoria

White’s Wood Heating offers chimney and flue cleaning services in and around Ballarat. Our working area is roughly 30/40km around Ballarat. Please do give us a call to see if we also offer chimney sweeping in your area. You can reach us at 0409171070. Just leave a message if we don’t answer straight away, we might be on the job. We will call you back, we promise.
Some towns that we offer our cleaning services: Ballarat, Daylesford, Ballan, Beaufort, Skipton, Crewswick, Smythesdale, Gordon and Allendale. If your town isn’t mentioned but is near there, you’re probably in our service area.
Best time to clean your chimney or flue

Any time of year is a good time to have your chimney cleaned. Usually people start thinking about it at the end of the summer or when it starts getting cold. Say March till June. That’s a great time to have your chimney cleaned. Having said that, that’s also the busiest season. So make sure to book your chimney sweep appointment in time. Ofcourse any time of the year is suitable for chimney and flue cleaning. We’re happy to discuss the possibilities with you and give you a quote. We’re easiest to reach by phone, so just give us a call 0409171070.
Why does your chimney or flue need maintenance

Every time you use your open fire, wood heater or wood stove toxic fumes go up your chimney. Besides that, the by-products of combustion are also left behind in the flue. The by-products; Soot and Creosote. Soot is mostly carbon and looks like a black powdery substance. Whilst creosote is a tar-ish substance that can easily catch fire. Especially when there’s a lot of creosote in the flue or chimney, the chances of a chimney fire increases significantly.
Bird nest removal Ballarat
In summer birds sometimes find your chimney the ideal place to build their nest. It’s advised to always do a chimney inspection after summer to make sure there aren’t any bird nests. We can happily assist you with removing a birds nest and conducting a complete safety inspection to keep your family safe this winter.